Excelitte Encrypted File Share

Collaborate and share with your colleague’s sensitive files or healthcare data with a 100% guarantee that it can't be hacked or 'ransomwared’.

Excelitte Encrypted File sharing feature provides the following three options.

  • Share, collaborate, securely view, amend & update an Encrypted File across more than one user or across a team via email for all files of no more than 20 MB.

  • Share, collaborate, securely view, amend & update an Encrypted File across more than one user or across a team either via email for all files of no more than 20 MB or via any cloud storage service.

  • Share, collaborate, securely view, amend & update an Encrypted File across more than one user or across a team via any cloud storage service.

Healthcare data are attractive to cyber-criminals because they contain financial and personal data, can be used for blackmail, and most valuable, are ideal for fraudulent billing.

Excelitte specifically protects your data from the following forms of ransomware:

  • BadRabbit
  • BitPaymer
  • Cerber
  • Cryptolocker
  • Dharma
  • DoppelPaymer
  • GandCrab
  • Locky
  • Maze
  • MeduzaLocker
  • NetWalker
  • NotPetya
  • Petya
  • REvil
  • Ryuk
  • SamSam
  • WannaCry

Almost all ransomware attacks target and encrypt or lock data in known file formats such as docx, xlsx etc.

Excelitte offers to hold your sensitive data and files already encrypted in an AES-256 bit format which is impossible to break.

Uses two-factor authentication and three-factor authentication to prevent anyone from viewing your information.

Excelitte & Data Security

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Data Security

Excelitte protects your data by ensuring the following;

  • Fact: Excelitte uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256 bit) to encrypt data stored in it.

  • AES-256 would take 2.29×10³² years to crack, so cracking AES-256 encrypted data even with a quantum computer as of today would take longer than the universe has existed.

  • Data is backed up automatically daily, weekly, or monthly depending on your preference and sent to you automatically by email. With Excelitte holding your data, you will not be affected by ransomware attacks, data theft, or loss since you can always recover from your backup.
  • That the file holding the data cannot easily be copied, viewed, or accessed by any non users.

  • Data is accessed, viewed or amended only after three-factor authentication, digital ID, machine ID or IP address authentication.